How Much Does It Cost To Replace Bike Tires?

How Much Does It Cost To Replace Bike Tires

Whenever we think about replacing bike tires, our first thought is, “How much does it cost to replace bike tires?”. Well, you don’t have to think a bike tire costs a lot, as it comes affordable. You will get a bike tire or bicycle tire at various prices. If your budget is low, you will …

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How Often You Should Change Your Bike Tires

How Often You Should Change Your Bike Tires

How often should you change bike tires? This is a question many cyclists get asked at least once in their lives. It’s a common enough question, but there are no definite answers that will suit everyone. How often you should change your bike tire depends on several factors including where you ride, and what kind …

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What Kind of Shock Can Be Mounted Upside Down

mountain bike shock upside down

As much as mountain biking is a form of extreme sport, it is also a part of our lifestyle. Some cyclists do crazy things, but some go way, way beyond the limits of normalcy. To make a mountain bike even more extreme, start with the shock. You can make your suspension setup more progressive or …

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How To Clean Bike Tires

how to clean Bike tires

Bike tires are one of the most neglected and ignored parts of your bike. It can be a real pain to clean because they tend to get dirty fast and leave behind a lot of grime. Dirt can cause uneven tires to wear, affecting your bike’s performance and handling. Don’t know how to clean bike …

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How Often To Pump Bike Tires

How often to pump bike tires

Today I will tell you about a skill that every rider (cyclist or biker) should achieve. It’s about knowing how often to pump bike tires.  Because if you don’t know how much air pressure your tires have, you can damage the bike if you go too fast. To determine the right time to pump your …

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